At the Anchor we strive to help every student deepen their relationship with Jesus through solid biblical teaching, friendships, and caring leaders.



Anchor Midweek

Wednesdays 6:00 PM

Wednesday nights we have a blast! Designed for anyone no matter where they are in their journey with Jesus. We enjoy snacks and games, have an interactive multimedia lesson that is fun, engaging, and challenging. Then we hang out and almost always play our signature game of Jungle Pong.

Sunday School

Sundays 9:15 AM

We start the morning right with breakfast based snacks and drinks and move into an engaging game before learning the truth from God’s word. We then break into discussion groups to help apply this to our lives.


As we trek through basic Milestones that we believe all students need to understand before graduation day, we are learning about God’s relation to creation and people.

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Small Group Discipleship

Sundays 6:00 PM

Our small groups is where we learn how to be more like Jesus together. Teamed up with great leaders that invest in our student’s lives by attending their weekly activities. We meet for study and discussion. These groups participate in service projects throughout the year.

Join our Guys Group or our Middle School or High School Girls group for close friendships, studying God’s word and serving the community together.

In addition we have special events and trips throughout the year, follow us on social media for the latest details.

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